Sunday, July 11, 2010

a new beginning

today was the perfect day. slept late, long run, then a great shift in the ED. seems like an appropriate day for re-starting this blog. as i write this, i've just gotten home from my shift. when i decided to do another residency, i knew that i'd LEARN things. that was the whole point of doing this. but i was unsure about how quickly i'd pick up new skills. well, this time around, the process of training in a specialty is pretty much the same as it was before: one can learn as little or as much as desired.

what i mean by this: if you want to sit on your butt and avoid work, there is ample opportunity. if, on the other hand, i want to actually gain experience and learn, then i have to take the initiative and seize each opportunity. tonight, for instance, i saw 4 high-level traumas, did an intubation, started a central line, and ran 3 FAST exams (ultrasound examination of the belly in trauma).

everything still seems fresh and interesting. i hope to continue to be mentally involved and interested in learning and in my work in general. at this stage, it seems easy. here's hoping that it'll stay that way.

on another subject, my running is going quite well. i ran 12 miles almost at marathon pace . . . in the NC summer heat (at noon, no less), i'll consider anything close to race pace as such.

ok, time for a quick shower and bed. it feels good to be writing again.

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