Saturday, July 17, 2010

down tempo

had a great morning run with my neighbor, molly. 10 miles at down-tempo pace (for me, this is slower than race pace but slightly above moderate). after my run, i realized that i have no food in the fridge, so went to weaver street for some groceries. ran into the trikes (my bicycle racing team) at open-eye, and it was great to catch up with them. i would love to ride more with the team, but in this moment, i'm focusing on my running. with work and one long run per weekend, it doesn't leave lots of time for quality cycling. i came home and did some reading for conference this week (invasive monitoring and pacing).

i'm not huge on fitness gadgets, but the garmin sure does spit out some cool information. and it keeps me accountable for running good splits. when i asked molly if she would send me our run stats, we both spontaneously increased the tempo of the run. (after realizing that everyone would be seeing our splits on this blog) here's what our run looked like this morning. nothing super-fast, but it sure was hot.

here's one from when i was in france last month:

1 comment:

sarah (SHU) said...

hi stevo! thanks for your note -- and yes i see the resemblance :) a male version of moi that listens to ke$ha -- awesome (kidding, kidding!).

you will have to say hi to josh when you see him @ unc (i'm sure you will since he always seems to be down in the ED for one reaon or another). perhaps we could meet up in the real world sometime, as well (with your girlfriend and josh), and compare blogging notes.