Sunday, July 25, 2010

lazy sunday

well, it wasn't an entirely lazy morning. 35 mile bike with the trikes at a nice, leisurely pace. after the ride we gathered at open eye for a little tartine and beverages.

some of our favorite trikes were there. d, a, and a few others rode the endurance route to saxapahaw, while m, j, o, and i took a shorter, more mellow route. i think d was a little tired from their lightning ride from saxapahaw in the heat.

breakfast at weaver street then a 4 hour nap.we walked around carrboro for a bit then came back to make dinner. i picked some of the last tomatoes of the year:

tomato season should probably last a bit longer, but the heat has been hard on them. (and i haven't been the most attentive gardener) my vines are actually looking pretty wilted and burnt at this point. maybe tomorrow, i'll get out into the garden and pay them some attention.

among other things, we ate some pesto i made this past week from the basil right outside my front door. delicious.

i have tomorrow off from work and i'm slated for a slow run. now more sleep!

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