Thursday, July 29, 2010

interns mack on some cupcakes

finally we had some weather that was amenable to running during the day:

absolutely amazing! coming home from work at 4 pm and it was in the 70's. ran a 7 mile tempo just because i could, and it felt pretty good. later that night, we got together for mexican food to celebrate g's birthday, and livvie got to meet my most excellent intern class. g, a and cat face enjoying la comida:

before dinner, it was cupcake decorating time! the results weren't pretty, but they were produced with love. thanks to m for baking the goods.

that was two days ago.

tonight, i had a busy shift at the capital hospital peds ED. (and my first chest tube as a resident) lots of patients, but busy = good because i'm seeing a lot of cases and learning. here's a shot of my stack of charts at one point tonight:

in other news, thanks, aunt vicky! put some sulfadine on bubba's hot spot, and it looks great after just 24 hours. and the cone of shame is gone as well. the cone, i think, bothered me more than the bubbs. while he didn't seem to mind, i did not appreciate his wanton bumping into objects (especially at night) with that huge plastic thing on his head. here's a pic of ulysses at the beach last thanksgiving:

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