Tuesday, November 9, 2010

remembering the prom

borrowing from a post from liv:

had a great time at the med school prom last year with liv. this pic brings back nice memories of a fun night out, so it seemed worth re-posting.

i have my first shift tomorrow moonlighting at an extremely rural hospital in the eastern part of the state. for the last few weeks, i've been a bit nervous about going out there.  it's pretty much the opposite of university hospital. they have few resources and NO consultants. hell, they don't even have an ultrasound or an optical airway device in the emergency department.

but then tonight i realized: wait a sec, i did this for two years before i went back to residency.  pretty much the same type of set-up with almost no support in an isolated setting. tonight, riding my bicycle home from the hospital, i actually started to feel excited about the chance to work by myself with a little autonomy, away from the ultra-supervised setting of the u.

so off i go tomorrow. two 12-hour shifts separated by a short hotel stay. i'll let you know how it goes.


Tegan Henry said...
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Tegan Henry said...

sorry- i deleted cause i noticed ya'll prefer 'liv' so here is what i wrote:

stevo! i love that you are writing a blog and i truly love seeing you and liv going about your daily doings. i'm adding your blog to my faves list fo sho!
mucho amor,

Danielle said...

I think you will definitely enjoy the autonomy of moonlighting, but it is funny to think that you don't have a lot of resources. As for me working in this huge inner city hospital....it's taken a while to get used to not having everything you need or having to improvise.

Good luck!