Tuesday, August 10, 2010


woke up from my post-shift nap just as livvie was getting back into chapel hill. it's great to have her around again for good now that school is starting back up. dinner was homemade pesto from our garden and arugula salad from the CSA. then it was off to a board meeting with the eenp folks and work again.

last night was just about as nutso as it gets in the ED. for those of you who don't work in the emergency department, mondays are most definitely the busiest time of the week. i think people just save up their complaints over the weekend until they are supposed to go back to work, then when they can't get an appointment with their doctor (because EVERYONE is trying to do the same thing), they come to see us. for me, this isn't such a bad thing. i'm going to have to be there for my entire shift either way. why would i not want be busy if i'm going to be at work? it was busy last night as usual. out of my 14 team D patients (our "fast track" side that is supposed to get minor complaints), about half of them got admitted.

i got two central lines, which was some good experience, one right IJ and one left. the right IJ was a good reminder why i dont' usually put in right-sided IJs. (tip went out into the azygous arch instead of into the RA) i even got out on time, which i'm trying hard to get better at.

bubba says it's 8 AM: time to go to bed.

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