Monday, August 23, 2010

garden renewal

had a long shift at UH today and got home in time to work on the mess that is my garden. the green beans are still strong, and the peppers are ok for now. but the tomatoes are turning brown and nasty. pulled up most of the garden and thinned the weeds that have been growing wild for the last month. i left two pepper plants, a stand of beans, and two sungold tomato plants that are continuing to produce a scant amount of those delicious little tomatoes.

it's not quite time for a fall garden, but i'm looking forward to putting in some broccoli, kale and kohlrabi (thanks, jess for the spelling assist) in the ground in the next week.

saw some intersting cases in the ED last night (including a big, bilateral pulmonary embolus [the patient did fine]).

the day finished with a relaxed dinner of baked polenta gratin. liv made smoothies from a delicious WSM cantelope. bubba sat by our side as we ate.

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