Friday, October 22, 2010

the month that was

even during a month off, i had a terrible time sticking to my daily training schedule. so i'm adopting the "run less, run faster" strategy: each week one long run, one recovery / form run, one speed workout. i think it'll be easier to actually accomplish this even with a crazy schedule.

i'm also sort of glad that boston closed out early this year. so i won't be running in that race come april. just as well, as i'm going to have to learn how to be a triathlete now. DWARP is going to be doing the VA beach marathon in march, so i might have to run too. one thing is for sure: i won't be doing any special training for that one.

this month has been a blessed relief. i had no idea that i was going to feel so tired after just 3 months of residency. i guess that it WAS internship all over again, which is supposed to be hard. i'll also concede that i might have been trying to do too much with the marathon and all. but i keep thinking to myself: well, people have kids during residency- my situation wasn't all that bad.

either way, i'm grateful for this past month. hell, i got to see lots of old friends, hang out in hawaii, go back to LEAF, and have a great fall vacation with liv in the mountains. and yup, i've got another one of these months coming up in march.

 perhaps most significant about this month was the way that it has cemented how i feel about the idea of work. but more about that after i eat some breakfast.

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