Saturday, September 25, 2010

hold the pork

i ended up sleeping most of my time between shifts today. i only woke up in time to get in a 2 mile run. this may not have even been worth it, but i feel like getting out, even for small distances, keeps my legs loose. will plan for a 8 miler tomorrow between shifts.

i'm currently on a shift with my program director as attending and one of the 2nd years that i really like, which makes work tonight pretty fun. it's also not all that busy, so i actually have time to spend with my patients (instead of hurrying through the interview and exam). uh, i guess i also have time enough to blog.

i got a reminder this week, in case i didn't need one already, to stay away from the carnitas. we see so many young, healthy males with neurocysticercosis, it's quite astounding. do not eat undercooked pork in latin america. better yet, don't eat pork at all.

another thing: why have i not seen any male bloggers out there. it's all women! if any of you know of any good blogs written by guys, i'd love to see them. they don't need to be the nfl, corn-nuts set, just anyone with a y chromosome. oh, and i discovered modg today. she's a pretty funny blogger, but again, follow links to other blogs and then more links, and all i find is women bloggers.

1 comment:

ulyssesthedog said...

what?! you really saw neurocystocirwhatever? I thought that was only seen in rural Burundi.

You are my favorite. Glad you are enjoying work.