Thursday, February 17, 2011

you're going to just have to push through that burning

it's my 3rd week on obstetrics, and, it's no surprise that i'm loving it. after 3 years doing exclusively emergency and inpatient medicine, my mother/baby skills have gotten somewhat rusty.

this month has brought back some of the information that i'd forgotten since residency. (it seems like a lot has changed in three years as well!) catching up on this OB stuff is important, especially since after i finish this emergency residency thing, i'll (cross fingers) be teaching at a family medicine residency.

this ain't shift work. i had completely forgotten what an overnight call feels like. i think it's been four years since i worked more than 15 hours in a row.

this may seem obvious, but i hadn't remembered how tiring 30 hours on my feet can be. on labor and delivery, much like the emergency department, things never really slow down.

and another thing: they start work EARLY! none of this has been a problem, because i'm learning a ton and the people on my team are fantastic. after a week, even waking up early has begun to feel normal. liv has been great about taking bubba out in the morning so i can sleep a few extra minutes (waking up before 6 AM, every additional minute of sleep helps!).

it deserves repeating that the best part of this month has been the people. all of my calls are done alongside an upper-level OB resident. the ladies (they're OB residents. of course they're both female) that have taken call with me have both been fun and eager to teach. yes, my calls leave me pretty wiped, but i'm enjoying those sleepless hours taking care of the ladies of wake county.

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